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TMJ Treatment Argyle, TX

Living with jaw pain, morning headaches, and nightly teeth grinding can be exhausting. Managing painful symptoms can help you feel comfortable at work, school, and home. Argyle Family Dentistry provides TMJ treatment to reduce pain and discomfort in Argyle, TX. Treating bite disorders like TMD is a part of our restorative dental services. Fixing your bite can improve the function and health of your teeth and gums. 

TMJ disorders often occur because of stress or injury to the joints that help you bite and chew. The temporomandibular joints (TMJ) are on either side of the face and connect the jaw bone to the skull. These joints act as sliding hinges to help you open and close your mouth. Increased pressure or damage to these joints can create dysfunction. 

TMJ Treatment in Argyle TX

Symptoms of TMJ Disorders

TMJ disorders affect the upper body. They often create orofacial pain or pain around the mouth and face. Other common signs of TMD include: 

  • Jaw pain and soreness
  • Teeth clenching and grinding (bruxism)
  • Pain in one or both sides of your face
  • Aching facial pain
  • Pain when biting and chewing
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Earaches and ringing in the ear

Contact our office if you notice any of these symptoms. Problems like nightly teeth clenching and grinding are harder to pinpoint. However, if you wake up with headaches, jaw pain, or tooth pain, you likely have TMD.

Our office will examine your bite and take X-rays of your teeth, gums, and jaw to determine your proper treatment. Then, we can create a custom treatment plan to treat your symptoms. Our goal is to get to the root cause of your TMJ disorder.

TMJ Treatment in Argyle, TX

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all treatment for TMD. Multiple treatments can help you manage your symptoms for a more comfortable, pain-free life:

TMJ Night Guard

At Argyle Family Dentistry, we can create a custom night guard or bite splint that you can wear during sleep. Like a mouthguard, a night guard covers the upper or lower teeth with hard plastic. Wearing a night guard prevents you from unconsciously clenching and grinding your teeth. It will also protect your teeth from wear and reduce stress on your jaw.

Physical Therapy

We will often recommend a physical therapist in addition to a night guard. Physical therapists usually use heat and massage to relax your facial muscles. A physical therapist will also teach you exercises to work the muscles in your upper body. Moving these muscles helps reduce the tension that contributes to TMJ pain.

Bite Correction

Also known as bite equilibration, a bite correction can reduce pressure on different teeth in your mouth. Crooked teeth can often increase the frequency of symptoms, and an unbalanced bite increases your risk of teeth clenching and grinding.

Sometimes, we recommend orthodontic treatment to create a more balanced bite. Bite reshaping or occlusal adjustment can ensure your teeth come together correctly. We may also recommend restorative or cosmetic treatment for damaged or missing teeth. 

Lifestyle Changes

Stress is a big contributing factor to TMD. Reducing your stress can also help reduce the frequency of TMJ problems. We may prescribe muscle relaxants to take before bed. Anti-inflammatory medication helps reduce swelling in the jaw or TMJ. If you have an anxiety disorder, medication can also reduce your frequency of symptoms. 

We often recommend that patients eat a soft diet for several weeks as they begin TMJ treatment. Compared to hard and crunchy foods, softer foods are more gentle on your jaw, teeth, and TMJ. In addition, avoid chewing gum; constant chewing can wear down your joints.

TMJ Treatment FAQs

Discover more about TMJ disorders with answers to these common patient questions:

Do I need a cold or warm compress for TMJ pain?

We recommend a warm compress if you have reoccurring TMJ pain. The heat will relax your muscles by increasing blood flow to the area. On the other hand, if you have just injured your TMJ or jaw, use ice. Ice reduces inflammation and swelling. Always use ice or heat for fifteen minutes at a time.

Can posture impact TMD?

Yes, slouching or hunching over puts more pressure on your jaw. Forward head posture puts pressure on your neck, spine, and jaw. Sitting or standing with your spine in proper alignment helps reduce muscle and joint strain. When you’re on your phone or computer, ensure the screen is in alignment with your eyes to prevent poor posture. 

How do you relax your jaw?

If you clench your jaw during the day, you can relax your jaw to reduce jaw pain and discomfort. Place the tip of the tongue on the roof of your mouth to relax your jaw. Ensure your teeth are not together. Keeping your jaw relaxed during the day can also help retrain your mouth.

How can I stop jaw pain when I yawn?

If your jaw clicks or pops when you yawn, you likely need to avoid opening your jaw too wide. When you yawn, gently press your chin with your fingers to close your mouth. This gentle pressure will prevent you from jaw clicking, popping, and pain.

Do I need surgery if I have a TMJ disorder?

Most patients can manage TMD without surgery. However, patients may need surgery in the most severe cases for multiple reasons. Patients with continual pain when opening their jaw, experiencing lockjaw, or not showing improvement after treatment may need surgery.

Surgery can fix a TMJ disc that’s out of alignment, fix torn cartilage, and remove bony growths. We will refer you to a surgeon if needed.

What habits contribute to TMJ disorders?

Sometimes, bad habits can put pressure on the TMJ and worsen your symptoms: 

  • Nail biting
  • Using teeth as tools
  • Chewing gum
  • Poor posture

Additionally, while teeth clenching and grinding are often symptoms of TMD, they can also be the cause. This is especially true if you have crooked or misaligned teeth.

Treat TMD Today

Do you think you have bite problems because of a TMJ disorder? Call 940-531-9753  or schedule a dental appointment with us online.

Please let us know if you have any questions about TMJ treatment in our Argyle, TX office. We’re here to help you find the best TMJ treatments.